Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First, the powers in Government always assume they know what's best for us.
Next, they search for changes they deem as necessary to correct what is bad for us and for themselves.
Then, they write legislation to place those changes into Law, with enabling clauses, with loopholes for special interests, with exceptions for themselves where they deem appropriate, and with sufficient vagueness to enable lawsuits where needed.

After all that, the Law is interpreted by a vast network of bureaucrats which further obfuscates and restricts its original intent.

The nightmare continues as implementation is made across the land because States have layers of bureaucrats who also obfuscate and restrict.

So, when some simple thing should be fixed with Legislation, it becomes very complex and nearly unrecognizable.

To illustrate the point, just look at the Federal Income Tax Rules.
Through all the many attempts to "Simplify" it, nothing was ever simplified. It stymies attempts to determine what are the actual rules for a taxpayer's correct application to their individual return. The Income Tax workers differ as well when trying to make judgments concerning the Rules.

Proper determinations of many Federal Regulations are often unreliable as well as being illogical.

For instance, if the Government says an "X" creature is on the Endangered Species List, it becomes impossible to get a permit to construct anything after an "X" is said to exist on the intended site for such improvement.
If an indeterminate time period passes without an "X" being seen there, an Environmental Impact Study is "allowed" which could enable a permit issuance to proceed. Sometimes years go by without any determination and the project just dies.

The list of situations relevant to this problem of bureaucratic impasse is endless.

I and many others believe that great care must go into each and every item of Legislation at both State and Federal levels to erase the problem and thus allow private industry to flourish again.

At the present rate of Government Takeover, we are already on a steep downhill slope with the end result having a Socialist/Communist/Nationalist State.

Everyone needs to stand up and stop this "Madness"!